This page look odd? Try getting to it again, from here. The entire sites been redesigned!
The Video Faq (RemoteJoy Guide) Got a full update! Check it out!
The Video Section now has an RSS Feed, so you can keep track of exactly when new Videos are up. Enjoy.
So, now the new English Crisis Core Video section is up!
Click To Enter
So I quit my job recently… place sucked anyway, and Im in the middle of finding more employment, when I receive an email telling my hosting plan is about to expire… And I have no funds to pay for it… so Im pretty much screwed. So, Im truing to this, the nice people of the Internet. I pay about $120 a year for my host (not bad eh?) and about $9 a month. I could switch to the monthly payments, but I can’t even sink the $10 I need into it… Plus I have to pay another $10 for the yearly Domain Renewal. And that’s $20 I just don’t have to spend on this at the moment (Yes, I know it doesn’t seem like much, but getting it up onto my PayPal, and then to Dream host (my host) would cost extra money, due to my bank being evil at the moment).
So, Im not demanding it. Im not gulling people into it. Just, if you liked the things on my site, please, help out a bit. Any amount (well over $0.50, as that’s the min it will take) would be greatly appreciated! And its all though Paypal (the link here Directs to Dreamhost, where you enter the amount you wish to donate, and then it brings you directly to paypal). All money donated goes directly into paying my bill (I don’t get a Cent of it. Its all to hosting this site, I couldn’t touch it if I wanted :D). So please. If you have liked the information on this site,
Click there and please help me out. I thank you. And you will know if no one donated, if on the 14’th of next month, the site is no longer up.
If I can manage to keep this site up and running for more then a month.. Ill be adding new updates with ENGLISH Crisis Core stuff! :D.